RARC Meeting Minutes - May 2007
Minutes - Rochester Amateur Radio Club Meeting - 5/8/2007
Call to order at 7 p.m. by K0VH
30 in attendance
Membership report - currently 96 paid members.
Tech Committee - The antenna for the .82 is delayed
Program Committee - Tonight's session is Ham Radio 101 - separate sessions on multple topics
Public Service
- Med City Maratrhon is 5/27 from 7 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
- Tour De Cure - we need APRS stations
- Chester Woods - same day as Tour De Cure
- Rochesterfest Parade
- Rochester Y ride
- Still doing badges
- Skywarn meeting 5/10 at 7 p.m.
New Business
- A moment of silence for K9LLC who passed away a week
- New hams committee - President Dave started signups for a new
committee to assist new hams
- Field Day - Century High School and Gage Elementary being considered as sites
- IEEE Project - how can we jam cellphone triggered IED's?
Meeting adjourned at 1942 hrs.
Respectfully Submitted
K0RGR - Bill Osler - Secretary
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