RARC Meeting Minutes – November 2007

The November meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order by President Dave Naatz, KØVH, at 7:02 p.m., November 13th, 2007. at Schaeffer Academy school. There were 48 members present.


Dave began the round the room introductions.

Eric WBØNIU introduced himself and Lance KBØYJU from Winona. He mentioned that they want to do some work on their infrastructure in Winona and attended the meeting to get a dialog going with us to help ensure that we all work together.


Meeting Minutes:

The October 2007 meeting minutes were approved.


Treasurer's Report:  Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Checking $758.12
Savings $1485.72
CD @ 3.39% (note 1) $4244.21
Cash $20.00
Total $6508.05

Transactions this period:
Salvage sales +$405.00
Donations +$36.60
Interest +$0.01
2008 Dues -$125.00
Qwest -$16.29

IBM Grant of $980.00 in hand, but not yet deposited.

Notes: 1 - CD is repeater reserve funds

Membership status:   112 club members 


School club updates:

  • Eric KFØS, Bob NØEST, and Dave KØVH applied for grant money from IBM. We received a $980 cash grant to support a club station at a Rochester school.
  • Scott KØMD obtained the call sign of KDØBZG for the Schaeffer Academy school station. He is applying for a vanity call sign of WØSAA for the club.
  • Scott KØMD talked about the ARRL School Club Roundup results. Bill NØNUV proctored the students who worked a dozen states. The round up log will be posted on the web site.
  • A station from NASA wants to setup a contact at Schaeffer Academy with a classroom. The school station also has plans to talk to the space station in the near future.
  • Bobby KCØNXB has the longest contact for the school so far. That was to Lithuania using 100 watts with the school's vertical antenna.
  • Doug KDØUGB reported that the Century school station is still work in progress.


Committee reports:


  • Technical committee – Rob KCØFOW
    • Did not meet this month, and will not meet in December.


  • Programs – KariAnn KCØWIP
    • The November program is presented by Dan from Radio City. He is presenting D-STAR and how to ham on a low budget.
    • Batteries Plus could not join us for the second part of the program, but did leave some product catalogs. Stop in to Batteries Plus and talk to Rick if you have questions. RARC members receive a minimum 10% discount at Batteries Plus.
    • The December program will be the Holiday Party. A motion was made that the Holiday Party be held at KariAnn and Bob's house this year. The motion was seconded and it passed. The Holiday Party will be held at 7:00 p.m., December 11th, at KariAnn and Bob's house. More information will be available on the club web site.


  • Nominating Committee – Steve WØSTV
    • Steve announced the nominees for the 2008 club officer positions:
      President KariAnn Wiles
      Vice President Stan Cram
      Treasurer Bob Hart,
      Dave Seavy,
      John Scott
      Secretary Daryl Mowrer
      Scott Wright was nominated for Secretary but withdrew his name.
    • Elections will be held at the December business meeting. If you have a desire to serve, contact any one of the nominating committee.


  • Public Service – John NØHZN
    • Frozen Goose Relay coming up in February.
    • We have a date for the Diabetes Tour de Cure.
    • More information to follow on the web site.


  • EOC – Steve WØSTV
    • Jon Turk has left and moved back to the city.
    • The city is looking at having their own internal EOC for the city of Rochester. The city council is reviewing. The proposal is that Jon Turk would be the city's EOC director. The county would have their own EOC.
    • Mike Bromberg is currently the assistant director at the EOC along with Captain Terry Waletzki. They are asking Steve for requests for next year.
    • Channel One antenna is in.
    • Public Health building station is up and running.


  • ARES – Bob ABØBW
    • Bob needs to regenerate the Sunday ARES net control operator schedule. See Bob if you would like to be a net control operator.


  • Contests – Dave KØVH and Scott KØMD
    • Sweepstakes Sideband this weekend (Nov 17, 18).
    • Some RARC members received 10 Meter contest awards from the ARRL. K4IU, KØUH, and KØVH
    • CQ CW at the end of the month.
    • ARRL 10 Meter Contest coming in December.



New Business:


  • Don KCØQGB reported that his son, Brian KCØWIJ, has completed basic training for the Army Reserve, and is now in San Antonio getting his AIT training. He will be back visiting for Christmas, and will be back permanently in March. Brian says "Hi!" to everyone.

  • Stan KDØBQ asked if there was any interest in running low band 75 Meter or 160 Meter phone in the evenings locally in addition to the 10-Meter net. It's a nice quiet band to work in the winter and it can provide some opportunity for some good local communications.

  • Scott KØMD suggested that we think about opening the school station for the 10 Meter contest. Maybe we could get some adult club members who are HF hams to proctor them since most of the students are Technician class.

  • Mike KCØVIN announced that he has developed a very small self-contained GPS device that will operate with the Kenwood D710 and D700 radios. He is looking for someone with experience in injection molding to help with the packaging of the device.

  • The Winona club is considering running a fox hunt the Saturday after Thanksgiving right after their 8:30 a.m. breakfast. Use the Winona 146.64 repeater for talk-in. Everyone is invited.

  • Jerry Nau from College for Kids said thanks to everyone in the club for helping out with College for Kids with our donation of money. The money we donated helped out at least two or three students last year. Jerry shared class catalogs, brochures, and pictures from last year's sessions. He also provided cake, coffee, apple juice, and soda during our meeting break before the program.


The meeting was then adjourned at 7:38 p.m..


Respectfully submitted, Daryl Mowrer, ACØID



The program started with the break which included refreshments from Jerry Nau and College for Kids. During the break, club members browsed the display offered by Radio City on ham for those on a lower budget. Club members also enjoyed touring the Schaeffer Academy school club station. The program then began with Scott KØMD presenting the 2007 Field Day results. Dan from Radio City then gave an interesting presentation on D-STAR. The program ended with a dedication of a new ICOM 718 HF radio for the Schaeffer Academy school club.



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