RARC Meeting Minutes – October 2007

The October meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order by President Dave Naatz, KØVH, at 7:00p.m., October 9th, 2007.


Treasurer's Report:  Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Checking $207.81
Savings $1785.71
CD @ 3.39% (note 1) $4244.21
Cash $20.00
Total $5957.73

Transactions this period:
Salvage sales +$38.00
Donations +$36.60
Interest +$0.04
Qwest -$16.31
Fire-Theft Insurance -$237.00
RPU 4Q07 -$90.00

Notes: 1 - CD is repeater reserve funds

Bob Hart indicated that the budget will need to be managed well as the reserves are low.  As of right now, we’re projected to have $600 in the "General Fund" for next year.

Discussion on the IBM grant was held, and Dave KØVH volunteered to contact Bob Osterlin to investigate eligibility.

Membership status:   107 club members 


Dave began the round the room introductions.



A discussion was held on the September 2007 minutes, with corrections made.

  • Questions on the nominating committee, WØSTV Chair, KCØQGP, KCØFOW make up the nominating committee.
  • There was also a correction to the minutes about the changes at the EOC, the minutes amended to show that Sgt Waletzky replaced Capt. Joe Loftus.

With the above changes, the September 2007 minutes were approved.


Committee reports:


  • Technical committee – Rob –KCØFOW
    • Did not meet this month.
    • Echo link will be inactive for the near future. KØRGR needs to rearrange his equipment before Echo link will return.
    • It was report that Bill is recuperating from his knee injury.


  • Programs – KariAnn – KCØWIP
    • Radio City is coming down, with the subject of how to get started in Ham Radio for under $100.
    • Batteries Plus is also going to join us for the second part of the program.
    • December will be the Christmas Party.


  • Public Service – No report

  • ARES – Bob ABØBW
    • Bob would like to get our communication from Rushford better. There was some discussion on the possibilities of a crossband repeater to help out.
    • Bob discussed www.wxspots.com <http://www.wxspots.com/>, and he is looking at this as another way to communicate weather spots.


  • EOC – Rob KCØFOW
    • 145.67 packet node is up and running.


  • Contests – No report

    There was discussion on some of the HF contacts made on low power international contacts.


    Field day – The reports should be online in early November.


    The Field day planning will be starting soon. There is a desire to make sure that there are more station operating positions for the new hams.


  • Nominating Committee – Rob is looking for volunteers. If you have a desire to serve, contact any one of the nominating committee.


Old Business:

New Business:


  • Scott, KØMD reported on the club station preparations at Schaeffer Academy. It will be on the air next Monday for the ARRL School Roundup.

  • Scott asked for some financial support for Coax and miscellaneous antenna equipment. Scott is working on a club call sign for the Schaeffer club.

  • The School Paper is doing a story on the club station. It looks to be coming together quite well.

  • There is also some work going on with Century High School to establish a station there. There is now a room that is available, it was a broadcast space. KariAnn is spearheading this effort.

  • Dave brought up the donated equipment, a Drake SPR-4 receiver. Neil Wiegand has offered $405 dollars for that unit. Dave made a motion to sell the SPR-4 to Neil for $405, and to designate the funds towards equipping the student club stations. The motion was seconded by Scott Wright. The motion passed.


The meeting was then adjourned.


Respectfully, Pat Cahill, NØADQ



ACØW Bill from Austin MN a leader in our MN Wireless southern district was our featured speaker with a program on Contesting.



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