RARC Meeting Minutes - September 2007

RARC Meeting Minutes – September 11, 2007


The meeting was called to order a 7:00 pm. By President Dave Naatz KØVH


Treasurer's report:

Checking $176.52
Savings $1785.67
CD @ 3.39% $4244.21
Cash $20.00
Total $6226.40


Membership: 107



Secretary: No report (Note: Our secretary, Bill KØRGR suffered an injury.)


President Dave called for a moment of silence in memory of 9/11.


President Dave called for a roll call of names and station ID.


A collection of old photos and QSL cards was circulated among those present.


Committee Reports:


Tech: Rob KCØFOW - No meeting this month.


Programs: Kari Ann KCØWIP Ham radio in China by Scott KØMD

ARES flood response Bob ABØBW


Public service: No report – no more activity for the year.


ARES: Bob ABØBW part of tonights program.


EOC: Steve WØSTV reported that Sheriff Sgt. Terry Waletzky is at the EOC. He replaced Capt. Joe Loftus.


RED CROSS: David VanderMolen AI4VF from Elizabethtown, KY. Reported on the activities of the Red Cross in relation to the SE Minnesota floods and the interface with Ham radio.


CONTESTS: Discussion on openings on 6 and 2 meters.


BPL: Mel KCØP reported that RPU is still trying to get funding from the City Council for a BPL project.




NEW BUSINESS: Nominating committee for club officers:

Steve WØSTV, Rob KCØFOW, and Don KCØQGB were appointed to this committee.

Kari Ann KCØWIP and Scott KØMD presented a proposed School Ham Radio Club that could be setup at Century HS and Schaeffer Academy There would be a need for RARC volunteers and equipment to help startup these clubs.


A motion was made and seconded that the club deploy the Kenwood TS-820 transceiver to Schaeffer Academy for their Ham Radio Station. The motion passed.




Submitted by:


Charlie Pederson, WØTAX


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