RARC Meeting Minutes – February 2008

The February meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order by President KariAnn Wiles, KCØWIP, at 7:02 p.m., February 12th, 2008. at the American Red Cross. There were approximately 28 members present.


KariAnn began the round the room introductions.


Treasurer's Report:  Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Checking $1946.46
Savings $1485.75
CD @ 3.39% (note 1) $4244.21
Cash $20.00
Total $7696.42

Transactions this period:
2008 Dues +$575.00
2009 Dues +$25.00
Donations +$36.60
Interest +$0.01
Qwest -$16.26

Notes: 1 - CD is repeater reserve funds

Membership status:   118 club members (60 paid for 2008)  

Submitted by RARC Treasurer, Bob Hart, KCØGND.


Meeting Minutes:

The January 2008 meeting minutes were approved.


Committee reports:


  • Technical committee – Rob KCØFOW
    • Did not meet this month. Monthly meetings will resume in March. See the event calendar for more information.
    • Bob ABØBW and Robert KØRDA reported that there are problems with Echolink. They suspect that the problems may be caused by antenna problems at KØRGR's residence. Rob will investigagte.


  • Public Service – John NØHZN
    • Frozen Goose Event was February 2.
    • There is a new event May 16th called the SOS (Stay Out of the Sun) Run. It is a Friday night event, starting at 4:00 pm, or 5:00 pm, and it will last roughly 1 to 2 hours. We still need a volunteer to coordinate the event. See John NØHZN if you would like to help.
    • The Med-City Marathon will be held May 25th.
    • There may be a new event for RochesterFest this year. More to come later.
    • No word yet on the Centurion.
    • The Rochester Half-Marathon will be held in August.
    • More public service event information will be on the event calendar soon.


  • Programs – Stan KDØBQ
    • This meeting Charlie Pederson will present tax implications while voluteering for amateur radio
    • Next month Jay Bellows will present ARRL events
    • In March, Scott Wright will give a presentation on 4 square, vertical dipoles, and more on DXing


  • ARES – Bob ABØBW
    • Bob has more ARES badges to pass out.


  • EOC – Steve WØSTV
    • There will be a seperate EOC for the city of Rochester headed up by Jon Turk.
    • The Olmsted County EOC will still be located out at the airport and will be responsible for county-wide emergencies.
    • Rob KCØFOW will most likely be the new Rochester city EOC ham radio resource. Steve WØSTV will continue to work with the county EOC.


  • Contests – Stew WØSHL
    • No contest report from Stew.
    • Bill NØNUV reported that the Schaeffer Academy school was participating in the ARRL School Roundup contest held during the week.


  • Field Day – KariAnn KCØWIP
    • We are setting up a Field Day task force, If you are interested in being involved in planning this year's Field Day activities, please contact KariAnn.


  • Education – KariAnn KCØWIP
    • We are looking for more members to help with school station setup and education. If you are interested in helping setup school stations in or around Rochester, please oontact KariAnn.



    Old Business:


    • Stan KDØBQ reported that Bob KCØGND had placed some member's pictures on the web site as discussed during the last month's meeting. See the members page. The pictures are a really nice addition to the web site, but we need more pictures. If you have a picture you would like to have posted, send it to Bob KCØGND. Also let Bob know if you do not wish to have your picture placed on the web site.

    • There is a group of club members currently reviewing and updating the club bylaws to make them more current. If you would like to contribute to updating the bylaws, please contact Bob KCØGND or KariAnn KCØWIP.


    New Business:


    • Bobby KCØNXB talked about the Science Fair that was held at Schaeffer Academy. He mentioned that there were some 9th graders interested in Electrical Engineering that also may be interested in joining the school radio club. Bobby also shared the project that he had entered into the Science Fair. The project was a UV sensor that he had built and experimented with. He received a 1st place ribbon for the project.

    • The Technician class that KØRGR is holding on April 26th is now listed on the Community Education system web site.

    • This year's Olmsted County SKYWARN Severe Weather Spotter Training session is being held at 6:30 pm, Wednesday March 19th at the Rochester International Event Center.

    • Pat NØADQ asked whether we would like to move the VE license exam session currently scheduled for June 12th up to be closer to when the Technician class is being held. If so, there is work that would have to be done to accomidate that. KariAnn KCØWIP agreed that we should reschedule the June 12th VE license exam session so that it takes place shortly after the April Technician class.


    The business meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m.


    Respectfully submitted, Daryl Mowrer, ACØID



    Just in time for tax season, club memeber Charlie Pederson, WØTAX, presented what some of the possible charitble deductions are relating to voluteering your time in amateur radio.


    Following Charlie's presentation, Stan KDØBQ, and KariAnn KCØWIP discussed the current status of the Rochester Amateur Radio Expo, and walked everyone through the information contained on the RARExpo web site.


    Return to Meetings Page

    Last update: February 17, 2008