RARC Meeting Minutes – November 2008

The November meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order by President KariAnn Wiles, KCØWIP, at 7:05 p.m., November 11th, 2008. at the RCTC Campus. There were 26 members present and 1 vistor.


KariAnn began the round the room introductions. During introductions, it was announced that VE Testing will be held in December and the club should be offering a class next spring.


Rochester Amateur Radio Club

Treasurer's Report:  Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Account Balances:
Checking: $3,702.13
Savings:  (note 1)
Total:  (note 2)

Transactions this period:
Interest: +$0.04
IBM United Way: +$32.40
RAREXPO: +290.00
Qwest: -$16.40

1 - Includes repeater reserve fund, pending ARRL insurance payout
2 - Does not include undeposited $665.48 USPS rebate check for Expo mailing

Respectfully submitted,


RARC Treasurer

Membership status: 111 club members


 2009 Club dues are now being accepted.


Meeting Minutes:

The October 2008 meeting minutes were approved.


Tonight's Program – Stan AIØM

  • Tonight was going to be a kit build night, however no one responded
  • Stan AIØM is doing a presentation on HF amps and proper tuning
  • Robert KØRDA is doing a presentation on digital modes and APRS on the cheap/free
  • An idea has been raised for a mid-month kit build night, possibly a TinyTracker night?


Committee reports:


  • Technical committee – Rob KCØFOW
    • The 82 repeater was running on the backup repeater
    • The backup was originally replaced because of issues
    • While the backup repeater was working, those old problems have returned so 82 is currently off the air (it may be up at some times, but use with caution as it may go offline without notice)
    • The committee hopes to hear back on current 82 repeater repairs as early as tomorrow


  • DX and Contests – Dave KØVH
    • Sweepstakes sideband was this weekend, was a mid afternoon Saturday through Sunday event
    • End of November is the CQWW CW contest
    • 10 meter and 160 meter contests coming up in December
    • If you have worked all 80 sections, you can get a mug and broom for "clean sweep" - one time only thing


  • Education – No one present

  • ARES – Bob ABØBW
    • New ARES membership list is available for review
    • Pictures will be taken for new badges
    • Simplex frequency lists are available on the web site
    • Emergency Communication vest orders will be taken - See Bob ABØBW or John NØHZN to order


  • EOC – Steve WØSTV
    • Mass inoculation took place at RCTC two weeks ago
    • They tested the link to the Preston/Fillmore EOC and 800 MHz backbone
    • Fillmore EOC can reach the Olmsted EOC on the 255 repeater
    • A Red Cross shelter drill took place this past Saturday - Opened EOC and Red Cross building - link operational between all three locations - 2 people at the Olmsted EOC, 2 people at the RC, 3 people at the shelter at the church. Discussed several protocol related issues with regards to communications and operational procedures.
    • An Airport drill is in plan for 2009
    • EOC has portable ATV station on UHF ready to go, batteries, camera, and radio all packaged together.
    • The Wabasha group is putting together a program on their new ATV repeater


  • Public Service – John NØHZN
    • Frozen Goose run will be sometime in February
    • Diabetes Ride is planned for June 2nd


    Old Business:


    • We are down to the point of purchase for a backup generator for the 82 repeater per Steve WØSTV. Cost estimate is $350 plus shipping. There was discussion on holding off until next year since there are not general funds available at this time and the education funds are still allocated until the end of year. Based on the July club motion, the educations are allocated until the end of the year. Motion was made to pay for generator out of insurance check for power amp when the money arrives from the insurance policy. The motion passes.

    • KariAnn KCØWIP announced the December meeting will be at O'Neill's Pizza Second Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. A social hour, dinner, and elections will take place.


    New Business:


    • Dave KØVH announced a Field Day 2009 mailing group has been setup. If you want to get involved, contact Dave.

    • Dave also announced the IBM Radio Club is having a Swap fest this Thursday at 6:30 in RCTC room EH244.

    • Finally, Dave made a plug for the 10 Meter net on Tuesdays 8:00 pm, except club meetings, on 28.320. 10 meters is getting better as solar cycle 24 is getting started and it is open to all Tech licensees.

    • Bob KCØGND did a RARExpo finance review. There was no loan for postage - only money out was cash box seed money, which was returned and is accounted for in the values below. The money is currently being held as seed money for next year's event.

      Net Profit:$3,786.96

    • John NØHZN announced that a group has started planning on RARExpo 2009, looking for a single day event. RCTC should be good for next year's event. They want to work with CVB again, but start working with them earlier and as a group as opposed to a single point of contact. It would not be a Dakota Division convention, but could be MN section event.

    • KariAnn KCØWIP presented the nominating committee and their recommendations for nominees.

      Nominating committee:
      Bill - KØRGR
      Bill - NØNUV
      Don - KCØTST
      Dave - KØRPD
      Peter - N8MHD

      Nominating committee made the following recommendations:
      President:Peter - N8MHD
      VP:Robert - KØRDA
      VP:Dave - WØTMP
      Treasurer:Bob - KCØGND
      Secretary:Bryan KCØWIJ

      Additional Nominations:
      Dave KØRPD was nominated for President but declined because of other commitments.


    The business meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m.


    Respectfully submitted, Robert Andrews, KØRDA





    The program tonight had two presenters. First Stan AIØM presented on HF amplifiers. The presentation covered the various types of amplifiers: tube and solid state. How to properly tune the amplifier based on the band, cable, and antenna. Maintenance and upkeep costs were also discussed.


    The second presenter was Robert KØRDA. Robert presented on how to work digital modes and APRS for free. First was AGWPE, a free software based packet engine that does the analog audio to digital conversion. With this, you can then run the free UI-View 32 or WinAPRS. UI-View requires purchased maps while WinAPRS can use free government provided TIGER maps. Finally, the free program MultiPSK was presented. This program has its own packet engine built in and works several digital modes, including APRS, RTTY, Oliva, and SS TV. None of these require any hardware, just cable the speaker and microphone jack into the soundcard of the PC.


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    Last update: November 16, 2008