RARC Club Meetings - 1999
RARC club meetings are held each month on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.. The meetings are at the American Red Cross Building, 310 14th Street SW.) Visitors are welcome.
RARC Meeting Minutes
Click on a month in the following table to go to the RARC meeting minutes.
The January meeting of Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Dave Peterson, K7CJO. Introductions were held with 25 members present.
- Secretary’s report by Bob, NØEST, was approved.
- Treasurer’s Report from Tony AAØSM, was approved
Committee Reports
- Technical Committee
- Stu KCØZC met with Dave Carr NØPGO to discuss terms of the transfer of the 146.625 to the RARC. Dave agreed to modify the agreement to limit the time that he will reclaim the 146.625 frequency to 1 year, and only upon FCC notification.
- John NØHZN reported that work was done on the 146.82 repeater to lower the volume of the ID tone and beep. John KAØMYG also adjusted the autopatch volume so it was a bit louder. Still need to get back out to the site to test modem, route cables, etc.
- Repeater Control Op-No Report
- A drill was held in December 98 to try and link Fire stations in Fillmore, Wabasha, Olmsted, and Winona county with emergency communications. This went well, with further followed planned.
Jan 23/24 – Winona Special event station. Outside, overnight similar to field day (Ed note: this event was cancelled)
- Sun Night Net will start to do packet checkings again, listen for details We’re looking for folks to participate in the Sun night ARES HF net, 1730 local time on 3875 Khz.
- Gary NØZOD gave an overview of Amateur Radio help at the John Beargrease sled-dog race held near Duluth. Amateur Radio played a big role, and sounds like it was a great time (but COLD!).
Gary NØZOD also reported that KBØTUT is now the EC for Fillmore County,
replacing NØZOD.
- Hamfest - John NØHZN
- Midwinter Madness Hamfest in Blaine has been moved to 4/17/99, 1 week after our Hamfest. It’s unknown what impact this will have on us, but we can’t control it in any case.
- Looking for folks to help out in the “Ham Radio Adventure” area at the Hamfest. Looking for 8 club tables. We currently have APRS, DX, Homebrew, ARES, Skywarn. We’re looking for a few more folks – for example, how does a 2M repeater really work?
- Tables sales starting, slowly. Plan was to mail 3000 flyers, but Radio City said that it would contribute $500 if we would mail 2000 more, and include a full page ad. This was agreed to.
- There is a very slight chance that ICOM may come to our Hamfest, we should know by the end of January.
- As part of the program next month, get club members to assemble flyers to save costs.
- Looking for folks to visit area clubs to promote Hamfest. You would go along with one of the members of the Hamfest committee. Locations include: Anoka,Austin, Red Wing, Albert Lea, Waseca, La Crosse, Bloomington, Eau Claire. Contact NØHZN or KBØPSS if you can help out.
- Mel KC0P reminded us of the VHF sweepstakes on Jan 23-24. We want to get 50 logs so we can qualify for the “unlimited” club category. (Ed Note: See elsewhere in the Flyer for where/when to turn in your logs)
New Business
- Dave K7CJO made a motion to approve transfer of the 146.625 repeater to the RARC based on the new terms. Motion Approved.
- Dave K7CJO discussed the proposed budget as posted in the last Flyer. Several un-funded items were removed (club station, etc). New budget was adopted.
- Program by Dave K7CJO of “Federal preemption” - or why the city of Rochester can’t regulate Amateur Radio towers. Very interesting!
Submitted by Bob NØEST
The February meeting of Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at
7:00 PM by President Dave Peterson, K7CJO. Introductions were held with 25
members present.
- Secretary’s report by Bob, NØEST, was approved.
- Treasurer’s Report from Tony AAØSM, was approved
Committee Reports
- Technical Committee - Stew KCØZC
- Meeting held 2/8/99 at the Red Cross. In attendance were NØHZN, NØEST, KCࡰP,
KCØZC, and one guest, KCØDTY.
- Future meetings held a 6 PM, Red Cross Building, on the Monday before the club meeting.
All are welcome.
- Following assignments made:
- 146.82 repeater – John NØHZN
- 146.625 and 443.85 repeaters – Bob NØEST
- Club Station – Mel KCØP
- DX Cluster – Stew KCØZC
- Remote Base – Roger WBØISF
- Any changes to club equipment should be made after contacting the
appropriate member of the technical committee so we can keep track of
- Tone Control on 146.82. Committee recommends against tone control at this
time The repeater will be setup so that tone control can be quickly
activated if needed. The tone frequency will be 100.0 Hz. Sometime in the
future some tests will be run. Dates and times will be announced.
- 146.82 repeater noise problem identified and is being worked on.
- Attended VOAD at Red Cross. Lots of discussion on Y2K emergency
communications. Fed Med Center will setup HF station and train 5-6 operators
to run it.
- Drills – 2/12 in Anoka with MN Star Dogs. 2/20 in Lanesboro. 2 day
overnight drill with K9 SAR and discussion of December Stewartville callout.
Contact Steve KBØPSS if interested.
- Looking for folks to go to Twin Cities club meetings to sell Hamfest
tickets – contact anyone on the Hamfest Committee if interested.
- Hamfest - John NØHZN
- ICOM is Coming! Thanks to Dan at Radio City for helping make this happen.
- Radio City paid the club $500 for a 1/2 page ad in return for mailing 2000
more flyers (5000 total).
- Dave K7CJO announced that the March meeting will be "Old Timers" night –
invite all your old RARC members to come and socialize!
- Mel KCØP announced that the FM simple net is moving from Tues to Wed at the
same time and frequency (9 PM on 146.55)
- WØGJ won 1st place in the ARRL single Op, single transmitter contest. Logged
some 8000 contacts in 48 Hrs! Phew!
New Business
Pat NØADQ would like to investigate how to renew ARRL memberships via the
club – that way the club gets a cut of the dues.
Thanks to ALL the folks who help assemble 5000 (!) Hamfest flyers. The other
part of the program, a discussion of the features of the 146.82 repeater by
NØHZN and KAØMYG was not held because folks were to busy with the flyers!
Submitted by Bob NØEST
The March meeting of Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at
7:00 PM by President Dave Peterson, K7CJO. Introductions were held with 34
members present. WOW!!!
- Secretary’s report by Bob, NØEST, was approved.
- Treasurer’s Report from Tony AAØSM, was approved
Committee Reports
- Programs - Pam KCØCJM
- The April Program will be a presentation on Skywarn by Dave Carr
- In August, the Red Cross indicates that the room will be unavailable, so one
of the possibilities would be a “club cookout” at a local park. A show of
hands indicated that most folks thought that this was a good idea. (watch
for details later, Ed.)
- Scott NØJLP will be stepping down as the public service Chair this year. Pam
KCØCJM has agreed to take over, but would like a “co chair” to help out.
Contact Pam if you are interested.
- The Special Olympics will be donating $200 to the club as a way of saying
"thanks" to all of those members who help out each year.
- The public service table at the hamfest is in need of a small TV. Contact
Pam if you can help out. Also looking for instructions on how to build a
tornado chamber.
- Technical Committee - Stew KCØZC
- The Tech committee meeting was cancelled this month due to weather. The
members did go and inspect the 146.625 repeater and it was determined that
the ID PROM will need to be replaced. Bob N0EST has ordered one and it will
be installed later.
- Repeater Control Op - Roger WBØISF
- Steve was contacted several weeks ago by the Rochester LEC. Someone was
using LEC channel 1 (155.580) and wanted help tracking the person down. The
person responsible was off the air by the time Steve could be located. If
another incident occurs, Steve will be contacting ARES members with Yagi’s
to help track down those responsible.
- There will be a K9 SAR drill in Blaine on Sat 3/13. Meet at Best Buy @ 7AM
if you want to participate.
- Steve is looking for an approximate response time for all ARES members. This
is being used for planning, so please drop Steve some email with this
- Y2K contingency planning in Rochester is ongoing, and ARES will be
participating. More details will be coming later.
- Reminder of the Skywarn training class 3/31 in Stewartville – 7 PM at the
American Legion Hall.
- The Federal Medical Center (FMC) will be putting in an HF Station for Y2K
and will train 5-6 operators. Will also be looking for ARES for help.
- Hamfest - John NØHZN
- Things a looking good for the Hamfest. A reminder that ICOM is coming this
year. Dan from Radio City had a lot to do with this – make sure that you
tell him thanks when you see him at the Hamfest.
- All Commercial space has been sold, and about 1/3 of the Flea Market space
has been sold (about normal).
- 2 tables will be made available to club members to sell items IF and only IF
they sin up to do work at the fest. Contact John if your are interested.
- CAP will be doing parking at the fest this year.
- The fest is again doing script prizes this year ($525 total)
- KB0RXR asked about doing a special event station at the fest. Most thought
it was a good idea, but who will run it??
New Business
- John N0HZN asked about possibly putting some recorded announcements on the
146.82 machine from time to time. A survey of those present said that
Meeting announcements, Net times sounded like goo ideas. Maybe look at
experimenting with this in the future.
Adjourned at 7:55 PM
A GREAT program by Mel KC0P and Niel WA5VLZ on home brew projects!!!
Submitted by Bob NØEST
The March meeting of Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at
7:00 PM by President Dave Peterson, K7CJO. Introductions were held with 37
members present. WOW!!!
- Secretary's report by Bob, NØEST, was approved.
- No Treasurer's Report
Committee Reports
- Public Service - Pam KCØCJM
Med City Marathon - Sunday May 30th , 8 AM - 3 PM. Coordinators Pam KC0CJM
and Scott N0JLP. 20+ Volunteers needed, contact Pam @ pamjudd@us.ibm.com
American Diabetes Tour De Cure Bike Race - June 5th. Coordinator is Dave
K7CJO. More info to follow
Other events - coordinators needed, please contact Pam Judd,
pamjudd@us.ibm.com if you want to help out:
- Special Olympic Walkathon
- Centurian Bike Race
- Juvenile Diabetes Walk-a-thon
Dave K7CJO has banners and handouts that we can use to make sure folks know
that communications help is being provided by the RARC.
- Hamfest - John NØHZN
The Hamfest was great this year even tho attendance was down. Total thru
the door was about 635. We sold every table and then some! Full report on
Numbers and money next month - but we probably broke even or maybe made a
bit. The Adventure area was a big success., lots of positive comments.
Thanks to all who helped out.
Dave K7CJO thanked John N0HZN and Pam W0HZN for all the hard work!!!
- Technical Committee - Stew KCØZC
See meeting Minutes elsewhere in the newsletter.
- Repeater Control Op - Roger WBØISF
No Report.
A Y2K ARES drill will be held Sunday April 25th in Rochester. This will be a
test of what we can provide in term of communications for a 911 outage. The
AEC's will be in charge of various types of operations:
- Bob N0EST - Packet
- John N0HZN - VHF/UHF
- Pat N0ADQ - HF
The drill will start at 12 PM and run until about 4 PM. Callout on the
146.82 repeater. Operators stationed at LEC, Gold Cross, Fire Stations, and
shelter areas. Repeaters to be used are:
- 146.745 - Talk In
- 146.82 - County Wide
- 146.625 - City Communications
All participants will need ARES Ids. Please wear standard ARES yellow when
coming to the drill.
New Business
A letter was received by the club concerning the use of the repeater; this
letter was read aloud to those attending (see "From the Mailbox" in this
issue for the complete text of the letter)
A proposal was made by Stew KC0ZC to allow him to take over the operation of
the DX cluster from the RARC. The purpose of this would be to allow Stew to
take over the responsibility of electricity and maintenance and relive the
club from any further responsibility. Stew will keep the DX cluster up for
the foreseeable future.
A motion was made and passed to turn over the DX cluster to Stew for the sum
of $1
Adjourned at 7:40 PM
A nice program on Skywarn and storm spotting by Dave Carr, N0PGO - Thanks
Submitted by Bob NØEST
Meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. 27 people were present and there were three new members (Steve Gifford, Scott Pelner and Cliff Lawrence).
Committee Reports
- Public Service - Pam Judd mentioned that the Med City Marathon and the
Diabetes Bike-a-Thon public service events were coming up and club members would be needed to provide communications support..
- Technical - Dave P. will be leading the Y2K preparation. Last week he went to the remote site out at Simpson and mentioned that he would like to put 2 meter packet off the air and put APRS on for awhile.
- Lois also came in to express her appreciation of the work we have been doing for the Red Cross.
- Mel Larson has the 2 meter radio working at the club station located at the Red Cross building.
- Nothing to report from the Operations committee.
- ARES - Steve W. talked about the level 2 activiation on Sunday, May 23rd. The event starts at 6 a.m. in downtown Minneapolis and ends around 1p.m. The scenerio is a terrorist threat. A base station is not required, but Steve needs to know who is interested in participating. No walkins will be allowed.
Other Business and Announcements
- LaCrosse Weather is giving an Open House Thurs. May 19th, from 2-7 p.m.
- Steve W. said he is going to start keeping track of call signs for the Sunday night nets to track attendence. Steve said he will also start putting K-9 activity in our monthly newsletter so interested parties can attend their training days. The next K-9 event is June 19th, Saturday. It is a one day event.
- Steve W. is also working with area emergency officials on Y2K preperations. December 31, 1999, is planned for activation of fire, red cross, state patrol and three shelters.
- Dave Peterson attended a Y2K "Teach the Teachers" class, If anyone is interested in a Y2K pitch for their organization, they can talk to Dave. He is looking for space on a web page for this subject.
- Hamfest - John Scott said the 1999 hamfest was the best the club ever had, but attendence was down. He announced that the club made about $300.00 from the hamfest..
- Dave reminded everyone of the fall class for getting a ham licence. These is a web URL for practice tests (located on the RARC web page)..
- Stew Lewis said there is an upswing in sunspot activity and he was able to reach Scotland the other night!
- It was mentioned that the ICOM Fun Mobile would be in the Twin Cities.
Ajourned at 7:35pm
Steve W. did a wonderful presentation on Go Packs and brought his equipment in to show everyone how to make one up. It was very educational and most that stayed for the presentation enjoyed it very much! Thanks to Steve!!!!!
Submitted by Pam Judd, KBØCJM
The June meeting of Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00
PM by President Dave Peterson, K7CJO. Introductions were held with 27
members present.
Secretary's report by Bob, NØEST, was approved.
Treasurer's Report - Tony was not present. Bob N0EST reported that the club
has about $1800 in total funds (checking, savings)
Committee Reports
- Public Service - Pam KCØCJM
Pam thanks everyone who helped out with the Med City Marathon and the
Diabetes bike-a-thon. We will also need 8-12 or so folks to help out at the
Rochester Fest parade on 6/25. Contact Pam if you can help out.
- Technical Committee - Stew KCØZC
See Technical COmmittee meeting minutes elsewhere in the newsletter.
- Repeater Control Op - Roger WBØISF
No Report.
- Attendance is going up on the Sunday night net - good to see more folks
- Steve also had some handouts for those who wanted them: Skywarn Maps, Go
Pack items, and personal Y2K checklist.
- Working with Rochester police on Y2K contingency planning. More information
and details are coming.
- On Sat 6/19 there will be an K9 SAR drill at Chester Woods park. Will
involve Mayo 1 and the dive team as well. Looking for about 6 operators to
help out.
- Thanks to those folks who went to Mpls (KB0TEF, WD0GCP, KB0RZW) to help out
with the drill.
- Steve had a letter from the Max N0FKU with commendations for those folks
that helped out during the recent gas explosion in Rochester. Awards
presented to: (I hope I got them all - Ed.): KB0TUT, KC0EEU, N0HZN, N0EST,
- Field Day - Pat N0ADQ
Will be held at Assisi Heights this year. There will be an HF, CW and VHF
station. Looking for a camper or tents for shelter - let Pat know if you
can help.
Also looking for operators - had a sign up sheet for those folks that know
they can make it.
Hope to see you all there!
- Education/VEC - Mel KC0P
Report on the recent VEC test session. 3 testing, 1 new no-code Tech.
Fall Class for new HAMS - starting 9/23 (Thursdays, 7-9) Location unknown at
this time.
New Business
- John N0HZN had a small report on the bike-a-thon. APRS was used and it
worked GREAT! Lots of new hams helped out, and they got NCS experience.
- Larry in Wanimingo has a 60' guyed tower for sale - contact KB0RZZ.
- August meeting - cannot use the Red Cross building - how about a cook out?
Folks there said it was a good idea - Pam KC0CJM will look into a date (see
announcement elsewhere - Ed). Also will be doing a Fox Hunt at the August
- Stew W0SHL did a short talk on how 3rd party calls could be charged to your
phone and how to block them.
Adjourned at 7:55 PM.
APRS presentation by Bob NØEST.
Submitted by Bob NØEST
The July meeting was called to order by president Dave, K7CJO. There were 29 people
Business Reports
- Secretary's report - not available.
- Treasurer's report - not available.
Committee Reports
- Technical Commitee
Chairman Stew. WØSHL, was out of town, so John, NØHZN, gave a short update on the work that was done on the remote base. During a weekend thunderstorm the remote base went down. Bob, NØEST, and Stew, WØSHL, went to the site and powered the system off and on. The power reset seemed to have cured the problem.
There also was a short discussion on the proper use of the 146.82 repeater auto patch facility. John, NØHZN, will have a small article in an upcoming Flyer explaining the proper use of the auto patch.
- Public Service - Pam, KCØCJM
Pam thanked everyone who helped out with the Centurian bicycle event and special thanks to John Scott, NØHZN, for running the event. APRS was used and was a key point in making this event a successful one. Steve, KBØPSS, said that these events are also a good time for people who would like to get some NCS experience with someone there to help them out if needed.
- ARES - Steve, KBØPSS
911 Actvation - The were 34 operators staged in four locations though out the county from 1:00pm Wednesday, July 7, thru 6:30pm Thursday, July 8. This was a fantastic turnout and is what ham radio is all about.
Lewiston Tornado - We had seven operators working from 12:00pm to 7:00pm Friday, July 9,
giving the Winona county operators a break. Others were ready to fill in more spots if
needed. Once again, this was another great turnout on short notice.
August 28 Drill - Saturday, August 28, there will be a drill in the Lanesboro, Minnesota, area. There will be several scenarios. Planned, at this time, is a bike incident invloving an accident on the bike trail, a (simulated) fatality on the river from a canoe accident, A simulated cadaver search, snake bite victim, escaped prisoner, and some lost people in the woods along the bike trail. Law enforcement, DNR, Mayo 1, K9 search and rescue and ARES are all planning to particpate in the drill.
Everyone is invited to come see what goes on during the August 28 drill. Even if you don't want to
particpate, come down and observe. It's a great way to learn what the ARES organization
does. This drill is being planed by Gary, NØZOD, and should be filled with surprises.
Mayo Clinic - The radio equipment is up and operating at both St Marys and Methodist
hospitals. There will be a meeting this month to review the equipment and discuss what
role ARES would play in case a evacuation of either facility was ordered. Operators who
want to participate need to be certified, and must have proper identification. See Steve,
KBØPSS for questions.
Equipment Labels -Steve reminded everyone to label their equipment. We had some items that we didn't
know the owner during the last couple of events. It was suggestted that you put your name, phone number and callsign on each item.
ARES Signs - Rob, is looking into ordering magnetic signs (Skywarn and ARES). Paul, WDØGCP, is
ordering ARES patches. If you are interested in either, please contact Steve, KBØPSS, and he will
get the information to Rob and Paul.
Old Business
- Field Day
Pat, NØADQ, reported that this was the best field day ever. There were 766 CW contacts, 836 Voice HF and VHF, and 185 Contact made on 6 meters, for a total of 2,968 points.
- Tax Exempt Status
The tax exempt (501c-3) status filing is still progressing. The form is about half completed and work is being done to complete it soon.
New Business
- August Picnic and Foxhunt
August 21st is the date for the 1st Annual RARC Cookout and Foxhunt. Time is 11:00 am to 4:00 pm with lunch being first before the foxhunt. Please bring your own meat to grill and a dish to pass. Plates/napkins and beverages will be provided by RARC. The Chester Woods park does not take reservations, so some volunteers are needed to come out early in the day to save a shelter. Some people who have portable grills need to bring them out so we have something to grill on!! Swimming is available to those who are interested. Bring friends and family. All are invited to attend!
- Dave, K7CJO, read letters from Dave Carr, Olmsted County Emergency Services,, and Lois Hamilton, Red Cross, thanking the club members for all the help and manpower that has been provided during the last couple of months.
- The Red Cross is installing a power transfer switch so the building can be run on our generator in
the event of a power failure.. Work is still in progress.
Submitted by John, NØHZN.
The October meeting of Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at
7:00 PM by President Dave Peterson, K7CJO. Introductions were held with 35
members present.
- Secretary's report by Bob, NØEST, was approved.
- Treasurer's Report - Tony, AAØSM, was not present. Bob, NØEST, reported that the club
has about $600 in total funds (checking, savings)
Committee Reports
- Public Service - Pam KCØCJM
No Report.
- Technical Committee - Stew KCØZC
See meeting minutes in November Flyer.
- Steve has handouts for Y2K preparedness, ARES 1 day go kits, Red Cross
information Steve talked about upcoming Red Cross classes (see information in the
Flyer - Ed)
- Net control operators are needed for the Sunday night net to replace
operators who have left the area - see Steve if you want to help out.
- A Y2K signup sheet was available
- There was a Y2K drill last Sunday to test what modes work well. Next one
will be soon (TBA).
- Two drills in October: JOTA (Boy Scouts) on 10/16, and Chester woods on 10/13.
Radio Ops needed for victims for this drill. See Steve if you can help
- Some experimentation with tone on the 146.82 repeater was done on Sunday Night nets.
It was suggested that folks put a tone of 100 on in case we need to switch it on the repeater.
- St Marys - still work going on here, special training will be required.
More info to follow.
- Steve requested that all ARES members make sure that they get updated email,
phone, and contact info to him so he can keep his directory current.
- Dave, K7CJO, talked about the upcoming Boy Scouts Jamboree on the Air (JOTA)
on 10/16. Folks that want to participate should meet for the Saturday
breakfast at 6:30 AM and then plan on going to the scout camp at 8 AM.
- Dave also touched on the upcoming Red Cross Classes.
- Rob, KCØFOW, mentioned that the Skywarn signs are in - see him to pick yours
- Dave K7CJO showed off the clubs AMEM award.
Hamfest 2000 - John, NØHZN
At the September meeting, a motion was made and passed to cancel the Hamfest.
Since then there has been a lot of feedback and, since the September meeting
was held at the EOC and folks could not discuss things, we're going to reopen the
- We're looking at the Hamfest as "break even" - so the plan is to raise
table prices to $25/$15 to bring in about $1000 more income.
- Lots of discussion on options - Can we go back to John Adams or another
location? Should we? What about door prizes?
- Midwinter Madness is right after our Hamfest - will it hurt?
After much discussion, a motion was made by Roger, WBØISF, to continue the
fest, *IF* $500 more could be put into the club funds by 10/26. If we don't
have that much, the Hamfest will have to be cancelled.
The motion was seconded and passed - so Hamfest 2000 is back!!
(Note - we got almost that amount later that night by folks paying 2000
dues - so we're OK for now.)
Meeting adjourned at 8 PM.
FANTASTIC program by Dr. Glenn Johnson, WØGJ, on his 1997 Heard
Island DXpedition.
Submitted by Bob, NØEST
The November meeting of Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at
7:00 PM by President Dave Peterson, K7CJO. Introductions were held with 22
members and 2 guests present.
- Secretary's report by Bob, NØEST, was approved.
- Treasurer's Report - Tony was not present.
Committee Reports
- Public Service - Pam KCØCJM - No Report.
- Technical Committee - Stew KCØZC - No Report.
- Repeater Control Op - Roger WBØISF - No Report.
- Generator has been serviced and checked out and it's working just fine. Next
job is working on an operators manual. Wiring for the Red Cross building
still not complete. Some question as to whether we need a license for the generator, since we're
not moving it. Steve will investigate.
- One more Red Cross class coming up: Damage Assessment. Sign up sheet available.
Steve had various ARES handout available.
- Red Cross will be offering free First Aid class to all RARC members -
details to follow at a later date.
- A 60 ft tower is available for the club. Steve KBØPSS will schedule a time
in early December to remove tower and take to Red Cross site.
- Brian Kingsbury of SMCSAR will offer outdoor training to anyone interested
in getting used to working with the dog team. This will be on December 13
and 14th. Contact Steve if interested.
- Steve is taking sign-ups for the Y2K event.
- Net control op schedule for the Sunday Night Net is forming for 2000.
Contact Steve if you want to be on the schedule.
- Gary NØZOD went over details of the communications plan for the Y2K rollover
on 12/31 and the state wide drill on 12/18/1999.
- Steve KBØPSS reminded everyone of the APRS/Packet tabletop on 11/22 at the
Red Cross.
- Hamfest 2000 - John NØHZN
Flyers were distributed at Hamfest MN in the Twin Cities.
The big news is that Yaesu is coming back in 2000! There is also a slight
chance Icom will come too (but don't hold your breath!)
We're current looking for PC groups to demo/participate in Hamfest 2000 -
contact John if you have any groups in mind.
Other Business
- Dave K7CJO went over the budget for 1999 and the outlook for 2000. Net is
that we're spending over $40/member and only taking in $25/member. This has
to change in 2000!
- A motion was made by Bob NØEST that we have a Pizza party at the December
meeting. Since the club can't fund this, a flat rate of $5/person will be
charged, excess going to the club. Motion passed.
- John NØHZN went over the Officer candidates for 2000:
President - Dave Peterson K7CJO
Vice President - Doug Schmidt WAØVEZ
Treasurer - Bob Hart KCØGND
Secretary - Bob Oesterlin NØEST
If you'd like to run for office, please contact John NØHZN or show up at the
December meeting.
Adjourned at 8 PM.
Cliff Lawrence KCØFOU talked about Amateur Radio in conjunction
with motor sports (Great video!) and Bob NØEST talked about modifications to
the 146.82 repeater for use with APRS Mic-Encoders.
Submitted by Bob NØEST
The December meeting of Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at
7:00 PM by President Dave Peterson, K7CJO. Introductions were held with 26
members and 2 guests present.
- Secretary's report by Bob, NØEST, was approved.
- Treasurer's Report by Tony AAØSM was approved:
Cash - $20
Checking $236
Savings - 397
Committee Reports
- Public Service - Pam KCØCJM - No Report.
- Technical Committee - Stew KCØZC
The 443.85 Repeater was checked and cleaned by Bob N0EST. Repeater was out
for about 1 week, but is back in service
- Repeater Control Op - Roger WBØISF - No Report.
- ARES - Steve KBØPSS. Separate meeting was held to go over Y2K operations
(was not part of the club meeting so I don't have minutes - Ed.)
- Hamfest 2000 - John NØHZN
Going good - listed on lots of Web pages, mailing info to PC Dealers
- Education - Mel KCØP
The latest class is complete. Of the 9 who registered, 6 completed it. 3
took the test and passwd.
Mel asked if there is any interest in an over the air code class - learn
code up to 5 WPM Starting in January, 2 nights a week for 10 weeks. To make
the class happen, we need someone to run one of the 2 nights, and a "class
manager" to handle the code practice oscillators. Contact Mel if you are
Rob KCØFOW had ARES signs for those who ordered them.
New Business
- Election of 2000 Officers
Election of officers was held. The following is a list of of RARC officers
for 2000:
Persident: Dave Peterson K7CJO
Vice President - Doug Schmidt WAØVEZ
Secretary - Bob Oesterlin NØEST
Treasurer - Bob Hart KCØGND
- Outstanding Service Awards
Dave Peterson, RARC President, presented Outstanding Service Awards for helping out the RARC in 1999 to the
Roger WBØISF - For the many things he does!
Mel KCØP - Education
John KØKTY - Webmaster
John NØHZN - for the 501C3 application work
Pat NØADQ - for the work with Scouts and JOTA
Scot NØJLP - Public Service
Gary NØZOD - Emergency Services
Congratulations to all!
Adjourned at 7:30 PM.
Program - Holiday Pizza Party!
Submitted by Bob NØEST