RARC Club Officers and Officials

RARC Officers - 2015

Click on the officer's call sign to view e-mail address.

Daniel Musall
Vice President
Vice President
John Somheil
Robert Andrews
Drew Naatz
Gil Baron

Chronological list of RARC club officers since 1984.


The following committees are used to support the operation and activities of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club. Please click on the committee name for additional information about the particular committee activity. If you are interested in participating in a particular committee, you can contact the chairperson or leader listed below.

The following list is the 2014 committee positions. Click on the committee name for a description. Click on the chairperson's name to view email address.

Committee Chairperson/(Co-)Leader(s) Members
Amateur Radio Classes Bill Osler , KØRGR
Control Operator
(443.850 repeater)
Rob Richter, KCØFOW
Control Operator
(146.625 repeater)
John Scott, NØHZN
Control Operator
(146.820 repeater)
John Scott, NØHZN
Education open 
Emergency Services (ARES) Rob Richter, KCØFOW
Field Day Grant Kesselring, K1KD
John Scott, NØHZN
Steve Wiebke, WØSTV
Dave Naatz, KØVH
Bill Osler, KØRGR
Mel Larson, KCØP
Fred Regennitter, K4IU
Pat Cahill, WØBM
Peter Wollan, WØLLN

Jim Koelsch, KDØORO
John Scott, NØHZN
Public Service John Scott, NØHZN
Technical Committee Rob Richter, KCØFOW
John Scott, NØHZN
Bill Osler, KØRGR
Fred Regennitter, K4IU
Grant Kesselring, K1KD
Mel Larson, KCØP
VE Testing Pat Cahill, WØBM

Other Positions

Public Relations Officer Amy Ranson
Webmaster  Bob Hart, KCØGND

Last update: May 17, 2015

RARC Technical Committee

The Rochester Amateur Radio Club Technical Committee is a standing committee responsible for the technical aspects of selecting, designing, building and maintaining equipment, and formulating operating procedures for equipment owned and/or operated by the club. The Technical Committee supports two VHF repeaters, one UHF repeater and two APRS digipeaters.

The Technical Committee meets monthly on the second Tuesday of each month generally 1/2 hour before the the Club meeting begins.

Membership Coordinator

Membership is an extension of the Treasurer  position, as most of "membership" is collecting annual dues.   The Membership Coordinator  maintains an email address book of members for Board authorized usage and assures the accuracy of  the web Members page.