RARC Meeting Rewind
In order to capture the valuable information presented during past RARC club meetings, the club has put together this web page to catalog its past programs. We hope you find the information in these pages useful. As always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact the webmaster.

Thank you and 73.

Meeting Date Description
March 14, 2006 Mel Larson (KCØP) talks about propagation and Don (KCØQGB) shows the club his Inspeed anemometer.
April 11, 2006 Jon Turk (NØWYH) talks about the EOC.
May 9, 2006 Niel (WØVLZ) talks about Vintage Homebrew.
June 13, 2006 Peter (N8MHD) talks about contesting
July 11, 2006 Bob (KEØJJ) talks about Harris Amps
Sept. 12, 2006 The Red Cross' Disaster Assessment Workshop
Oct. 10, 2006 Bill (KØRGR) gives a Digital Update
Nov. 14, 2006 Brad (AIØBP) talks about doing more with amateur radio for less time, money and energy
Nov. 13, 2007 Presentation by Dan and Maline from Radio City, and more from Schaeffer Academy
Apr. 8, 2008 2008 Field Day proposal by Dave KØVH, an RARExpo update, and more from our new RCTC Campus meeting location
Feb. 9, 2010 Visiting ham, Paul Bittner WØAIH, from Eau Claire presents his famous superstation, commonly referred to as "The Farm".

Last update: March 20, 2010